2019 LBT Grant recipients

LBT_ - pic only2019 Grant recipients were: 

Community Accommodation and Support Agency (CASA) Mackay  – to cover moving costs such as removals, the establishment of utility fees and/or rent for the first week depending on need.
Uniting Care Community – Koolkuna/Kalparrin Womens’ Refuge & Clare Homes – to provide financial assistance to support homeless families and women and children escaping domestic violence to move into safe, secure long term sustainable housing.
• Whitsunday Housing Company – to assist with critical costs, transport fees, furniture, white goods, food and rental assistance for those who are rough sleepers, homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Chameleon Regional Housing Accommodation and Welfare Association Inc – to provide practical assistance to families and young people with every day household items that help them transition from homelessness to independent living.
• Youth Housing Project Association – to assist young people and their children in providing essential white goods/household items/educational assistance packages for young people moving out of homelessness and into long term independent housing or returning/entering into education/training with a view to transmission out of homelessness
BABI Youth & Family Services – to provide practical support through utilising brokerage funds to assist with the necessities of life for young people and young families who have experienced homelessness and domestic and family violence as a result of homelessness .
• Laidley Crisis Care – Wesley Mission Queensland-  to support at least 20 families/individuals to transition to stable accommodation by assisting them with essential household items and/or removalists fees.
• Youth Advocacy Centre – to provide practical resources and support to increase the ability of homeless young people (15-25) to access and maintain accommodation across the greater Brisbane region.
North West Youth Accommodation Service-to provide practical household items addressing the immediate needs of new tenants to our supported accommodation service for people who otherwise would be homeless.
Murri Watch Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation –  o facilitate access to sustainable tenancies and assist Indigenous people achieve independent living and self-management.
Coast2Bay Housing group – to assist women to set up share accommodation, assistance with costs to help relocate, set up a new household and/ or store excess goods. Central coast
Lawright – Homeless Persons’ legal Clinic – to provide additional advice and assistance to Queenslanders experiencing homelessness in order to stabilise their situation.
Inala Youth Service to provide the  enhanced scope of financial practical and therapeutic short, medium and long term homelessness support
Zig Zag Young Women’s Resource Service – to provide essential financial assistance to young women and young parenting families who are disadvantaged and currently experiencing homelessness, as they transition from our temporary supported accommodation to long term secure and sustainable.
Beaucare – to assist people looking to access care due to domestic and family violence that lead to homelessness.

For further information, please contact the LBT Secretariat at enquiries@ladybowentrust.org.au or 1800 081 698.